Talk It UP
Inspiring Pride and Hope
Published on January 15, 2013
Publisher of Seven – Your Indigenous News Source sharing stories of people who inspire pride and hope. Delivering superior content to our readers and a compelling visual platform for our advertisers.
Informative and entertaining, we connect our readers: Native and Non-Native citizens, residents and tourists. We provide news and information relevant to Native communities and all Canadians. We feature stories on arts, culture, entertainment and news. Additionally, we provide stories and profiles on successful Native-owned businesses. Distributed to Native bands, Friendship Centres, Tribal Councils, as well as many Aboriginal businesses and organizations from coast to coast to coast. |
Attending I DO BUSINESS. National Summit and Tradeshow will be a tremendous opportunity to showcase our publication and network with potential advertisers.
It will also be an opportunity to increase the market reach of Latash Native Arts, our retail Aboriginal art company. We sell affordable Native art products, which feature authentic First Nations art. The Indigenous art was created by master artists.
Latash-Maurice Nahanee
B.A., Publisher
Seven - Your Indigenous News Source
It will also be an opportunity to increase the market reach of Latash Native Arts, our retail Aboriginal art company. We sell affordable Native art products, which feature authentic First Nations art. The Indigenous art was created by master artists.
Latash-Maurice Nahanee
B.A., Publisher
Seven - Your Indigenous News Source