Talk It UP
Feeling at Ease
Published on April 15, 2013
Attending I DO BUSINESS. National Summit & Tradeshow was probably one of the best events I've attended so far as an Aboriginal Entrepreneur. Not only was I able to meet other people who are working so hard to fulfill their dreams; but I was also able to connect with people on a "first time" business owner level.
I really also enjoyed the workshops I attended as well as the speakers - every single workshop I attended I was able to leave with new knowledge that I have since used in my own business, particularly the workshops that focused on social media marketing. It was inspiring to hear other people's stories, their passions and their struggles. It left me feeling at ease with the struggles I have so far experienced as an entrepreneur. The speakers were amazing!! To hear their stories and struggles as well, gave me more confidence and drive to just keep moving forward and go for what I believe in.
Thank you so much. Julia Valencia Fat Loss Specialist & Figure Coach Owner/Entrepreneur Valencia Fitness |